Reflections from the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2024

Reflections from the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2024

We had the privilege of attending The Leaders Summit, which is the United Nations Global Compact’s dynamic day-long conference dedicated to providing the tools, network, knowledge, and inspiration needed to scale the impact of businesses contributions to the 2030 Global Goals Agenda. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are currently at 17% progress towards the 2030 goals, with large progress needed the day heavily focused on how to expedite impact. The event was attended by 1,400 people across 100+ countries and showcased critical topics shaping the collective future, with key insights and takeaways from influential speakers and thought leaders.

The Technology Supercycle: A New Era of Innovation

One of the standout sessions was led by futurist Amy Webb, who presented groundbreaking research on the “Technology Supercycle” and its potential to reshape the world. Webb outlined the convergence of AI, biotechnology, and interconnected ecosystems as the driving forces behind an era of unprecedented technological advancement. While this rapid innovation holds great promise, it also brings challenges, which Webb highlighted as a key reason for the importance of collaboration between public and private sectors to create trusted intermediaries and plan for transitions of businesses that don’t survive the changes.

Her message was clear: technology today is the worst it will ever be, it is vital to leverage these advancements for meaningful progress on the SDGs, it is essential to act and plan proactively for transition. Businesses that radically plan for the future, despite the short term current financials and plan to integrate cutting-edge technologies will be well-positioned to thrive in this evolving landscape, aligning with Webb's call for future-focused, responsible development.

Empowering Frontline Communities: Don Cheadle’s Call to Action

Actor and activist Don Cheadle delivered a compelling talk on the need to empower communities most affected by global challenges, such as climate change and social inequality. As the world approaches the 2030 milestone for the SDGs, Cheadle emphasised that those living on the frontlines of these crises are best placed to lead in crafting resilient and inclusive solutions. He challenged the room to think about who was building and shaping the future of the business.

Navigating Sustainable Supply Chains

Sustainable supply chains were a key focus during the summit, with a breakout session on "The Dos and Don’ts of Sustainable Supply Chains" providing valuable insights. The session addressed the need for resilience in supply chains amid disruptions such as natural disasters, conflict, and pandemics. Intent and passion are important in driving change, however one of the most important factors is the need for suppliers to have a set and agreed vision to drive execution.

The discussion highlighted the role of AI and blockchain in improving transparency, wastage in processes and accountability as over 2 billion people are affected by global supply chains. It was argued that without the public declaration of large goals, it will be challenging to progress against the SDGs. There was discussion around how to create the right stimulus for large scale growth and acceleration towards change.

Enduring businesses need enduring supply chains, in order to support this the UN have launched a number of projects; Spark global community for SMEs, sustainable supplier innovation projects for innovation officers and an alliance for sustainable procurement to bring together groups to address challenges.

Innovating for Impact

Innovation was at the heart of many discussions during the summit, and the "Innovate for Impact" session showcased bold solutions for advancing the SDGs. A handpicked selection of young professionals presented innovative projects aimed at tackling complex global challenges. Their ideas, ranging from pioneering technologies to redefined business models, demonstrated the creativity and ambition needed to make meaningful progress on sustainability.

Sharing & Shifting Power: A Cross-Generational Dialogue

A cross-generational dialogue between Akaya Windwood and Luísa Franco Machado brought another important theme to the forefront: the need to share power and knowledge across generations. Windwood, an elder and change facilitator, and Machado, a young advocate for digital rights and AI policy, engaged in a rich conversation about the future of leadership and collective empowerment.

Their dialogue emphasised the importance of radical generosity and collaboration across generations. They discussed power dynamics, youth advisory boards, resource sharing, the value of mentorship, holding space, inclusivity, and fostering intergenerational collaboration through humility and love, ensuring that the wisdom of experience meets the innovative ideas of youth, side by side.

Schneider Electric’s Sustainability Journey

Jean-Pascal Tricoire, CEO of Schneider Electric, shared his company’s journey to becoming a global leader in sustainability. Schneider Electric’s story, from embedding sustainability into the core of its business in 2003 to becoming recognised as the "World’s Most Sustainable Company" in 2021, serves as a powerful example of how long-term commitment to sustainability can drive business success, through collaboration and consistency.

Tricoire’s reflections reinforced the belief that embedding sustainability into the heart of a company is not only possible but also essential for long-term growth and impact. He discussed that culture is a by-product of selecting the people you bring together, how you make them work together and the specific values that you choose to remunerate.


The UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2024 underscored the urgency and opportunities in building a sustainable future. From the transformative potential of technology and the importance of empowering communities to the role of innovation and sustainable supply chains, the summit offered a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.