From Local to Global: Our Social Impact
We’re always looking for opportunities to do good both within our business and beyond. Here’s how we’re making a positive impact in our local – and global – community.
We’re always looking for opportunities to do good both within our business and beyond. Here’s how we’re making a positive impact in our local – and global – community.
The New Zealand Flying Doctors Trust helped to save Rita McCormack's life when she was a baby, and Rita has drawn a special picture of them. Her artwork has been transformed into a t-shirt that's raising funds for the NZFDT, with the help of Untouched World.
We are proud to be one of only six companies internationally and the only business in the Southern Hemisphere to pilot the Know Your Stuff platform. We’re showing full transparency of our products so you know exactly what you’re buying and to encourage better practices in the fashion industry.
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New Zealand (home of Untouched World) has a Free Trade Agreement with the EU. This means that most of our NZ-made products will not have duties levied upon them. EU Customs will still charge VAT, and DHL will charge a disbursement fee (for paying the VAT on your behalf) before releasing your goods.